At first a good process is established. As the business grows, the needs of the business change the process. The culture changes the process. The changes are not always for the better. It’s no one’s fault that the process evolved to the current state. Everyone tries to do their best. You are probably the first group of people to look at the complete process from start to finish.
What is MPR?
MPR is a structured problem solving methodology used for defining and implementing world class processes and moving them up the process maturity curve from nascent to the new benchmark. This enables the metamorphosis of adhoc activities/ practices into structured processes that–
- Results in achievement of end objectives of effectiveness and efficiency
- Clarify work roles of employees
- Brings consistency in approach and output
- Enables rapid deployment of outputs of initiatives/ strategic plans
- Is easy to implement
What is it needed?
MPR is a well-known problem solving methodology that is used to design world class processes by reducing cycle time, eliminating waste and non-value-added activity. Waste is anything other than the absolute minimum resources of materials, infrastructure and manpower required to add value to the product or service. To increase effectiveness of current activities, design processes and find the causes of errors and eliminate them MPR well-practiced methodology across the organizations.
BMGI’s approach of problem solving through MPR
Over the years, BMGI’s process mapping experts have devised an extremely versatile methodology of finding the objectives of current processes and redesigning them for the objectives that actually increase customer satisfaction. Main components of the methodology are-

- Assessment of process definition – Reports on the level of the organization on the process maturity curve and provides an approach for designing processes that a truly aligned with organizational objectives.
- Process Identification – During this phase, the processes are identified. BMGI provides a framework for identification of processes. The methodology has sufficient rigor and ensures that all the business, core and support processes are identified.
- Process Definition– This stage primarily entails designing processes to “should-be” state. This involves creation of new processes or re-definition of existing ones. Where required benchmarking is done to ensure that the processes are truly world-class.
- Process Measurement – A framework for measuring the process performance is created. This enables the organization to monitor the health of the processes.
- Process Implementation – In this stage defined processes are implemented. Our approach ensures that implementation happens as intended and delivers the desired results.
For problem solving, call BMGI today