The health and life of an organization is increasingly dependent on its ability to identify, respond and mitigate risks in its business.
Too often risk is an afterthought to strategy setting. However, recent events have reminded management and Directors that a proactive and comprehensive view of their risks is a requirement so that appropriate incentives and controls can be established to counter the potential for individuals to discount risks that are significant to their organisations.
Ability to systematically manage risks not only enables to reduce losses by building internal resilience, but also allows you to take advantage of opportunities.
Organizations with an effective and efficient Risk Management system are able to maintain and improve their shareholder value by managing uncertainties that may positively or negatively affect the achievement of business objectives and stay ahead of the curve.
“Proactive Risk Management can lead to value creation and improved organizational resilience.”
BMGI’s Risk Management Solutions Suite
Risk services offered by BMGI provide solutions and frameworks in the areas of risk identification, assessment, analytics and measurement, risk reporting, and risk data management to help companies design, implement, and improve their infrastructure (processes, data and technology) related to specific risks (e.g., governance, strategy and planning, operational/market/credit, infrastructure, compliance and reporting) affecting the organization thereby improving management capabilities & performance.